The Debt We Owe Paul

By Dan Jenkins

When one reads Paul’s words to the Gentile church in Colosse, he has a renewed appreciation for the work that Paul did and just how important it was that Gentiles become equal members with the Jews in the church Jesus established. Take time to read the closing verses of chapter one to see how Paul viewed his place in the kingdom. These same verses show the way all of us should see our place in the kingdom.

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The Faith of One of the Thieves

By Dan Jenkins

Hebrews chapter eleven is often described as the chapter listing the “Heroes of Faith.” It truly deserves this title and just to think of the lives of those who are listed there builds our faith. However, there may be some whose faith has been overlooked and whose lives we should also consider. One of these is a man who made such tragic mistakes in his life and both Jews and Romans thought he should be punished in the gruesome torture of crucifixion. Let’s take time to consider the faith of one of the thieves crucified with Jesus (Luke 23:32-43).

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Do You Know the Lord?

By Dan Jenkins

A commonly used phrase in the religious world is, “Do you know the Lord as your personal Savior?” The concept of knowing the Lord is certainly Biblical, but phrases and concepts are sometimes redefined to describe a concept not found in the Bible. For example, the word “baptism” has spread around the world to describe the sprinkling of water on an infant, but this concept is never found in the Bible.

There is that which the Bible says we can absolutely know. There is no room for doubt because the Bible affirms this knowledge in such a precise manner.

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Seeing Souls, Not Just Seeing People

By Dan Jenkins

I remember as a young missionary the words of another missionary in New Zealand. We were discussing how to better find individuals to teach and how to lead them to Christ. It was hard to find those interested in the Bible in New Zealand as we tried to do our work. He then said something I will never forget. “Dan, are you still seeing souls?”

The world is lost and every person you meet is a soul, but sometimes we fail to see those souls. Christ died for the lost, and our responsibility is to take the gospel to the lost. There is a vast difference between seeing people and seeing souls.

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Guide, Guard, and Direct our Paths

By Dan Jenkins

It is remarkable how often we use the same phrases as we pray. There is nothing wrong with repetition, as long as it is not vain repetition (Matt. 6:7). Over the years I have heard others pray that the preacher might “have a happy recollection of the things he has studied.” I heard it for years but was unable to know what a happy recollection was. I sometimes wondered if the person praying those words knew what he was saying. Another phrase I heard as a youth (it often preceded the words about asking all this in the name of Jesus) was that God would “guide, guard and direct our paths.” It is very possible that those who said these words thought God would whisper in their ears or give them “holy hunches” about whether to turn left or right at the next intersection.

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The Order of Inspired Words

By Dan Jenkins

When the Bible speaks of inspiration it includes both testaments—both are inspired. It includes all sixty-six books of the Bible. It includes every chapter, every verse, every sentence, every phrase and every word. It all is inspired for all the scripture is inspired—God breathed (2 Tim. 3:16-17). One should never read the Bible without realizing how inspiration reaches to the choice of every word.

Another way of emphasizing this truth is to look at the order in which the words of the Bible express heavenly truth. When we fail to do this and get those matters discussed in the wrong order, we create problems in our lives. Look at the following examples of the order in which God places His eternal truth.

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God Working in the Background

By Dan Jenkins

The Bible clearly says, “Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father above” (Jas. 1:17). While we might sometimes misunderstand what is truly good, there is no doubt that there has never been a good and perfect gift which does not come from God. It is so wonderful to read the Bible and see where God reveals just how He often works in the background to bring blessings to His people.

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God Challenges Us to Think

By Dan Jenkins

God gave you a brain—use it! Our world has been changed in so many ways simply because we have used the intelligence we have to look around and see things as they are and then to make changes to improve our circumstances. We have the ability to think, to understand, to comprehend and to change. We are far more than animals, and we are so far above beasts. We have a brain, and God expects us to us it.

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Do It Again

By Dan Jenkins

There are those events in our lives which need to be repeated. There was great reward when we did them the first time. To do them again can often bring even greater rewards. Consider the following verses which contain the word “again” to see just how true this is.

When we became a Christian, our lives were changed as the old man of sin died, and in baptism we became a new person. “For as many of you who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Gal. 3:27). We began our new lives seeking to follow the example He set for us. However, some Christians lose sight of this goal and become complacent and stop growing.

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Hearing or Listening?

The Bible places great emphasis on the importance of hearing, using the word “hear” over 500 times. Many times it is found in historical references, but when Jesus came He placed special emphasis on the way we hear. Since faith comes by hearing (Rom. 10:17), it is important that we make sure we listen when God’s word is speaking to us, building our faith and directing our lives.

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