By What Standard Can You Have Eternal Life? (pt7)

By Jim Mettenbrink

In answering the question about what is really important in life, we have been considering a lawyer’s inquiry to Jesus – “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”(Luke 10:25). Jesus’ response was a story about the Good Samaritan, the Jews’ arch enemy. We have been considering the background of this 500 years of hostility. The accounts of the Gospel, reveal that this hatred was perpetually simmering beneath the surface at the time Jesus walked the earth.

Near the beginning of his account of Jesus, John, His closest disciple, quickly approaches this conflict. At noon, when Jesus was walking through Samaria, His disciples left Him at the well to buy lunch. A woman came to the well to fetch water. Jesus asked her to give him a drink. Knowing the historical background of the Jews vs Samaritans, her response is revealing – “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” First, the Jews did not speak to women in public. However, she qualified her response – “a Samaritan woman.” John clarified her remark – “For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans” (John 4:9).

Their discussion turned to that present day referring to the historical conflict – the worship of God. The focus was on where God wanted folks to worship (offer sacrifices) Him. She said they worshiped on the mountain, referring to Mt Gerezim. The Jews insisted on God’s location in Jerusalem. Jesus said that soon neither location would be important (Jn 4:21-24). That was ultimately settled in AD 70 when Rome destroyed the Jews’ temple, never to be rebuilt.

On another occasion, Jesus and His disciples were traveling to Jerusalem via Samaria. When the Samaritans refused hospitality to Jesus, James and John wanted to burn the entire village – pure hatred! (Luke 9:51-54). One can only imagine the apostles’ thoughts and discussion, when just minutes before Jesus ascended into heaven, He announced they would preach the gospel to their historical enemy – “…you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Jesus’ lesson for the lawyer and His disciples was the same – Love your enemies (Luke 6:27).

Posted in Jim Mettenbrink.